I'm a B tech graduate of Aeronautical stream of 2017 batch . I'm an easy go girl. After having four years of pressurized environment I thought of giving a break from all. I had my resume upload in the job portals. When I saw the advertisement of Stars Management , I gone through their website. After seeing the fun loving work environment and the opportunities that they give I thought to get into this somehow . I gave my interview got selected. Thanks to the team. From day 1 it was like a energy booster. I used all my chances in a right way. And I followed each and every step my trainer and Sakthi sir told me. I'm working for 9 months and now I'm a crew leader. My dreams are bigger and I want to achieve it in a proper way. Learning mentality plays a vital role here. My goal is to see myself As a successful business head in the upcoming year.